Monday 8 September 2014

How You Should Let Fun come first at vacations!

It is a tricky business, giving time to both family and work. But you need to prioritize, otherwise you’ll keep juggling and no good will come out of it. For instance, when you are on a vacation, you should know that family comes first and unless you want to be thrown off a hill by an angry wife, you should keep the office away! But again, you need to get the updates from work right? So how do you manage both work and family at the same time while on a vacation? Here’s exactly how....
Talk Face to Face With Your Clients: When on vacations, you need to avoid draining your hours on the laptop. Instead, go for a cell phone talk to your office or clients at fixed hours. You can have a Skype online video call which would be just smarter than any other options, plus it would save costs too.
Make a group call/ individual call at cheaper rates: One of the best things about Skype is that you could make calls on it to a group of people all together and that it is so flexible- you could operate it from anywhere in the world, with any device-mobiles or PC. So on a vacation, we suggest you use a mobile phone to make group calls or individual calls at cheap rates, both local and international. These Skype online calls will help you essentially be in touch with what’s up in the office and enjoy the vacation as well. Be sure you don’t ruin the fun by calling too often.
Use Skype instant messaging to get in touch with your team: If you want to send text messages to the office people, it would be only fair if you use Skype instant messaging option. This way, you’ll have it cheap plus you can keep it formal with all your office’s Skype online accounts. Not many people know that Skype could be used for messaging, but hello, it can be! So save some bucks for your fancy local food at the vacation!
So office work doesn’t need to suffer because of vacations, and vacations fun has to be unblended without any office interference. Whether you are going to a remote hill station or somewhere abroad, Skype would always keep you connected. And oh, don’t forget posting the photos now and then, to make your office pals super jealous!
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